About OccIDEAS
Who is using OccIDEAS
Who is Using OccIDEAS?
OccIDEAS is used in the following studies and publications:
International Journal of Epidemiology - OccIDEAS: web-based assessment of occupational agent exposure. 18 February 2020. Lin Fritschi, Troy Sadkowsky, Deborah C Glass. https://academic.oup.com/ije/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ije/dyaa022/5740021?guestAccessKey=511b60d2-a698-4a4c-84df-a2c1e315136f​
Asia Lymphoma Study - A case-control study of NHL in Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan, PI Prof Nathaniel Rothman, NCI Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics. http://dceg.cancer.gov/research/cancer-types/lymphoma-burkitt-hodgkin-non-hodgkin/asialymph
Australian Mesothelioma Registry - National collection of data on all incident mesothelioma cases, PI Prof Malcolm Sim http://www.mesothelioma-australia.com
Australian Workplace Exposures Study - Cancer - A national survey of the prevalence of occupational exposure to 38 priority carcinogens, NHMRC #1003563 PI Prof Lin Fritschi. http://www.waimr.uwa.edu.au/research/awes.html
Australian Workplace Exposures Study - Asthma - A national survey of the prevalence of occupational exposure to 27 priority asthmagen groups, NHMRC # 1056684 PI Prof Lin Fritschi.
Australian Workplace Exposures Study - Hearing - A national survey of the prevalence of occupational exposure to noise, vibration and ototoxic chemicals, NHMRC #1059562 PI Prof Lin Fritschi.
BCEES (Breast Cancer, Environment and Employment Study) - A case-control study of breast cancer in Western Australia, NHMRC #572530 PI Prof Lin Fritschi http://www.bcees.org.au
MOSAICC (Myeloproliferative neoplasms: an in-depth case-control study) - Aims to piece together new and existing knowledge about the causes of myeloproliferative neoplasms using a translational research approach. http://mosaicc.qub.ac.uk/
Queensland Pancreatic Cancer Study - A case-control study of pancreatic cancer, NHMRC #442302 PI Dr Rachel Neale. http://www.qimr.edu.au/page/QPCS/​
Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer Study - A case-control study of aggressive prostate cancer in Victoria, Australia, NHMRC #623204 PI Prof Graham Giles. http://www.cancervic.org.au/about-our-research/epidemiology/prostate_cancer_epidemiology#vic